Are you ready to end the relentless pursuit of perfectionism, set your true self free & unleash your full potential, unapologetically!?


i'm so ready to uplevel

YAS 100%!!

Freedom is an inside job!

I know that you think you have to show perfectly to be successful, loved & accepted...

Oh, hey, perfectionist

I know that you think you have to show perfectly to be successful, loved & accepted...

But all you really need to do is OWN BEING YOU!!!

You want that successful bizz, that doesn’t feel like work, where you get to help people & still be wealthy AF!

You desire to love & live from an open unguarded heart, to have that ideal partnership to adventure through life with. 

To drop the hyper independence & allow yourself to receive like a queen.

Maybe you desire to liberate yourself from herpes shame or past mistakes!

To embody the multifaceted woman that you are -  sensual, feminine AND brave, free spirited, absolute boss babe! 
To travel the world or move countries for a whole new lifestyle…

It’s really all about setting yourself FREE & this work is my expertise!

Are you ready to  lead your bravest, most authentic & freely expressed life!?

I get it, cause I’ve been there sister. 

Part of you knowing you’re capable & deserving of so much more, but stuck playing small by that voice that says “no you’re fucking not”. I remember being crippled by doubts & fears for so long....

The belief that the relationship I desired wasn’t possible for me - that I had to settle for less thanks to herpes! The fear that people would find this out about me. The belief I was stupid & incapable, not good enough to have my own successful healing bizz. Fears of public speaking, filming myself, trying new things, speaking my truth & solo travel.

Now I’ve done the work, to become rejection resilient, slay that shame & transform my relationship with fear I live the life of freedom that was once an impossible dream.

My bizz is thriving, I’m engaged to my soul mate, I live a nomadic lifestyle & I am in ownership of me, my story & of course…herpes!!!

This maybe isn’t a direct reflection of what you want, but shows exactly what is possible when you say YES to the inner work.

I'M READY TO set me free!

In that healthy conscious relationship, allowing yourself to be loved, soften into your feminine & be co-creating a new vision board life together!


Leading that lifestyle of FREEDOM, travelling when you want, working from where you want, saying & wearing what you want!


Lit up, sharing your message loud, confident & proud, making a difference in peoples lives! 


After our time together, Imagine yourself….


All those behaviours & ways of thinking you want to change aren’t the real problem, they’re just symptoms. We start by getting down to the core of it all, uncovering the cause of what’s really keeping you small.


Emotions are stored in the body, you can’t move forward when you’re carrying a lifetime’s worth of anger, pain, guilt & shame. All the words left unsaid never vanished into thin air, they’re inside of you, weighing you down. Time to release it all - expect primal, wild woman vibes here.


You’ve been handing your power away for far too long, time to reclaim it. This is where you own your not-so-perfect parts of you so they can’t own you, start setting boundaries & speaking your truth. 


Growth doesn’t happen in the comfort zone, I’ll be there as you face your fears, taking aligned action to unleash your imperfectly perfect self into the world! Setting the suppressed parts of you free & owning them unashamedly.



real results

FROM real people

If, on our call, we both feel that it’s a full body FUCK YASSS, we decide which container is best for you, you’re invited in & our journey together begins!


I’ll be in touch to confirm if part 1) of your application is successful - if yes, we’ll get you booked in for a free 30-min clarity call straight away to see if we feel aligned to work together. 


Fill out the application form so I can find out a bit more about you, what you’re moving through & where you want to be.






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Yes, I need this

Yes, I need this

Yes, I need this

  • All of the above 

  • Plus access to all modules, audio guides & special guest workshops  from 'Unshakeably Me' my group confidence programme - worth £988!


Most Popular


Best Value


Most Flexibility





Yes, I need this

Yes, I need this

Yes, I need this

  • Bi-weekly 90-min deep dive zoom sessions
  • Unlimited vocienote & email support 
  • Bespoke comfort zone stretches
  • Weekly tools & practices 
  • Detailed post session follow ups 
  • Closing celebration session  




There’s been so many major breakthroughs, I can honestly say that I’m really proud of myself. She's changed my life and opened the doors to a whole new world. Because I can relate to her I've managed to grasp the work a lot better. I couldn’t have done it with anyone else.

We managed to uncover a purpose that I had never thought of before, that was deep in my insecurities that had never registered and we broke through those. She helped me to realise my self-worth, changed my life and flipped it on its head in the best way possible.

Before working with Kady I was feeling so stuck, lost and living in the past. She helped me to work out what it is that I really want from life, heal from the traumas, stop settling for the safe option and create the life I deserve.

I could not recommend her more, investing in yourself is probably the best thing you can do and working with Kady is an investment because you will be completely different and you will find a love for yourself that you never knew you’d be able to have.

I faced so many fears, I started using my voice and saying no. I actually don’t even remember the last time I did something I didn’t want to do. Not only does she feel like your big sister you run to for advice, she actually pushes you to get shit done and hold yourself accountable.

Since working with Kady one of the biggest things that’s changed for me is realising, understanding and accepting HAPPILY that it’s okay that I’m on my own and I don’t need to be in a relationship with a man to be complete.


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What’s the time commitment needed?

Bi-weekly Zoom sessions are 90 mins long, you’ll have homePLAY to complete in between for the duration of our container, but the beauty of 1-1 work is we tailor it to fit in with your lifestyle so that time concerns needn’t be a block. 

What can I expect in sessions?

As I’m a HOLISTIC Empowerment Coach sessions won’t always involve just talking. We may use breathwork, guided inner journeys, physical emotional release & somatic healing (this means using the body). I’ll have a plan prepared for each session, but as life doesn’t always go as planned we work on whatever feels most important to you at that time. This work is all about YOU getting what you need.

Can I contact you outside of sessions?

Yes, I offer unlimited voice note support between our sessions - my clients always say this is one of the best parts of working 1-1 with me as they know I’ve got them!

What exactly is Holistic Empowerment Coaching?

Whereas a typical life coach is likely to focus on mindset work & your ‘future self’, as a Holistic coach, I work with mind, body & soul as well as past, future, & most importantly, present self, for a whole & complete approach to healing. The empowerment part simply refers to my ethos as a coach that I am not ‘healing you’, but empowering YOU to heal yourself. You have the power, you just need to unlock it & that’s where I come in.