yasss i'm ready

Are you ready to heal from the past, own who you are & courageously speak your truth so you can have the deep, soul aligned connections, purpose led career & lifestyle freedom your soul is screaming out for!?

Does anxiety, doubt & fears of what people might think keep you playing small?

I want in

Feeling trapped in my own mind & life, waking up each day anxious & often not knowing why. 
Saying yes when I really meant no & no when I really meant yes, getting frustrated with myself for not having the courage to say what I really wanted.

I felt called to go on this journey, to accept ALL parts of me, put my needs first & use my voice with confidence, but a lot of people in my life weren’t on this whole self growth vibe, I had many a wobble, felt alone & nearly gave up on it so many times.

But I stayed committed & now I’ve done the work….

I broke free from the toxic relationship dynamics I was stuck in for years, called in my soul mate & have co-created my ideal relationship.  

Said LATERS to South East London to travel the world as a digital nomad, with my current home a
 panoramic sea view apartment. 

Switched from a job where I was watched on cctv all day to running my own successful soul aligned bizz, getting paid twice as much to do what I love

Letting the herpes virus define my worth & believing I had to settle in life to owning the shit out of this part of me & talking about it loud & proud. 

Broken by infertility fears & living in shame, to healing those wounded parts & manifesting my miracle baby!!!

This might not be the reality you dream of, but allow it to INSPIRE THE FUCK OUT OF YOU that no matter wtf is going down in your life you literally have the power to change it all, you just need to start….

This is why I created Unshakeably Me, to share with you the most powerful practices, tools & teachings that supported me on my journey from suppressed, setting & living in survival to FREELY EXPRESSED, unapologetic & literally living my vision board.


real results

FROM real people


Initiating the edgy conversations you used to run from, now you’re queen of communication & authentic self expression!

Being clear & confident on who you are & what unique gifts you bring to the table so you can raise your MF standards & walk away from the spaces, places & people NOT aligned. 

Getting to do life with your person, experiencing the deep, committed, adventurous, safe AND wildly passionate romantic relationship you’re desiring, where you’re supported in all your dreams, loved for being you & ALLOW yourself to receive!

Having a weekly date with YOU, plus taking solo trips & going on retreats, feeling empowered + guilt free about the HEALTHY independence you’ve cultivated. 

Waking up each day LIT THE FUCK UP to show up for your purpose driven, heart led passion - a career you love, that has made you wealthy AF

Having conscious girl getaways with your soul sisters, the queens who are there through your wobbles, hold you to your highest vision, inspire you & give guidance you actually take!

Being decisive & brave AF, making the “unconventional” life choice that people around you don’t get, but that makes you feel proud, happy & so fulfilled. 

I'm here for it

You’re here to be the leader of your own life, not a follower. 

You no longer have time for surface level anything – your soul is craving deep connections.

Part of you knows there must be another way to live, that you don’t have to just put up with ‘what is’.

You’re not here to live a mediocre life, you want to create nothing short of magic!

You’ve read all the books & listened to the podcasts, but now it’s time to actually DO the work.

You're done with watching everyone else live the lifestyle you desire, it's time to step up, be supported & create your own life of freedom!

This is for you if...

EMPOWER! Reclaim your self worth, activate your voice & start taking action to live as the real you - unapologetic vibes!


HEAL at the core of your struggles, releasing the suppressed emotions you’ve been unconsciously holding onto & healing the wounded parts of you.


UNCOVER the BS beliefs & past experiences that have been keeping you anxious, overthinking, playing small & settling…until now of course.


Imagine yourself going on this journey with me...


The first step to living life on your terms? Working out what it is that YOU really want.
You’ll be tapping into your intuitive knowing to uncover & align with your soul’s unique calling so you can break free from societal pressures, mundane routine & create a life that feels magical AF.

soul aligned LIVING

That critical voice in your head that keeps you playing small is called your ego! In this module you’ll be getting to know her inside out so that you can call BS on her lame ass lies, overpower self doubt, stop comparing yourself unhealthily & finally start thriving in life. This module is about YOU learning to become your own biggest supporter & coach!!!


The biggest struggles you face in adult life today - the unhealthy habits & behaviours you can’t seem to break - can be understood, healed & moved through, all by working with the inner child who lives inside of you. From relationships to business & beyond, healing your inner child means you can show up to life as the EMPOWERED woman!


 Have a habit of reacting in ways that you regret? Whether it’s getting angry or taking things ‘too personally’, don’t worry, this module & I have got you boo. This week is all about exploring the connection between your adult triggers &  inner child’s / teen's wounds & supporting you to communicate  in a grounded, healthy way!


You’ll be guided through a somatic ritual to release any suppressed anger, rage, hurt & pain from situations in the past so that you can move to a state of acceptance, gratitude & find meaning in it all. This is about cultivating inner peace in YOU & letting go of what was so it no longer sabotages what you want most now! 

freedom through forgiveness 

It's time to cultivate the courage to drop the mask, show up as who you truly are & allow yourself to be seen in all your humanness - light & dark. In the words of a previous Unshakeably Me graduate, you’re going to leave this module feeling like ‘you’ve just lost ten pounds’ liberation so strong that ‘it feels like a drug’. 


Self-worth wounds, rejection & inner child fears – we are going deep to  break free from people pleasing! This is all about reclaiming your voice, letting go of guilt & reframing NO as a self honouring practice. You'll get clear & confident with your boundaries & raise those MF standards!

stop people pleasing & HONOUR YOUR NO 

Led by global guest speaker, powerhouse, Personal Freedom Coach, Bek Antonucci - a past mentor of mine who supported me to speak about herpes on IG / publicly! When I think zero fucks - I think BEK!! I can’t wait for you to experience her magic & set yourself free to & embody IDGAF energy! 

breaking free from fear of judgement!

Led by my partner, Mens Coach, Daniel Constable. This workshop will support you in understanding, communicating with & creating deeper connections with the men in your world! From getting ghosted, to dating empowered, handling conflict in relationship & getting your needs met - Dan is your man to support you in it all!!!

through his eyes!

To my queens hiding on social media, fearing public speaking, who are ready to SHOW UP confident & authentic AF to elevate in your career - this is for you! Danny Lent, EFT Practitioner & Visibility coach is here to guide you to own your unique gifts, use that voice with ease & learn to love being seen!!!

camera ready confidence

Ready to create the relationship you dream of!? Relationship coach & expert Aston Simmonds is leading a workshop to provide you with the tools to communicate, connect & re-create your relationship - whether that's with your current partner or the healthy, grounded, conscious c0ck you're calling in! 

relationships 101!

the modules


X 7 topic modules - worth £1,811
x 10 live sister circles - worth £1,777
x 1 BONUS pre-assignment week - worth £133
Weekly somatic & journalling home-play - meditations, audioguides & topic worksheets - worth £265

X 4 BONUS workshops from special guest speakers - worth £1700
Private group page for support & accountability - PRICELESS!
x 1 group integration call x 6 weeks after the container closes - worth £111
Your own toolbox of life changing practices to take away & support you on this thing we call life - PRICELESS!

Program value £5,797 +

Your investment? Only a FRACTION of this., scroll down...


Since the program I've learned to love myself so much more. I have a better viewpoint on myself and have realised that the life that I want, I'm completely deserving of it and it's possible. That anything I want is completely possible.

I feel I'm able to make better decisions for myself now. I’ve become much more compassionate to myself and understand more of my thoughts and feelings. I don't judge and shame myself as much. I’m showing myself that I'm important, worthy and that my needs are important too. 

Before you know it you’re a brand new person with a completely new outlook on life and you look back at yourself and think wow, how was I the way I was before!? Being part of that sisterhood and that environment was magic. 

For the first time in over 20 years I was able to talk about something that happened during my childhood which left me with so many limitations and to finally work through that trauma has helped me to realise there’s always a way to work through anything life throws at you.

I'm just way more accepting of myself. I like myself now and this course has just taught me to accept yourself. You can't be too harsh on yourself, you are who you are and I feel really comfortable with that now. It's just been amazing and I’m so grateful. 

The biggest change for me now is that I'm starting to actually not give a fuck about what other people think because at the end of the day it's my opinion that matters. It's my life and that's something that I've always struggled with.


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What are the dates for the programme?

We kick off Sunday 4th February with pre-assignment week. The live sister circles are held every Sunday morning & run from 11th Feb - 14th April. You have recorded weekly modules + bonus live masterclasses along the way - the full calendar will be shared when you join! 

How does it work?

Hosted in a private group platform, each week you have a recorded workshop where I guide you through the modules listed above & a live sister circle for sharing, support & your opportunity to receiving coaching. You’ll receive weekly homePLAY with actionable tools throughout the 10-weeks, with group drop in's from me!

What if I can’t make all the sister circles live?

Not to worry - things happen! That being said, consistency & commitment is life! It is asked that you attend at least 6 / 10 live Sunday sessions (you'll get a recording). Know that you show up to this programme will determine your results!

Is there any 1-1 support included?

This is a group programme, so no private 1-1 support is included, however there is a BONUS 1-1 session with me for anyone who is paying in full - worth £275.00! This is for you to take at any time during the 10-weeks!

What’s holistic empowering coaching?

Whereas a typical life coach is likely to focus on mindset work & ‘future self’, as a Holistic coach, I work with mind, body & soul as well as past, future & present self, for a whole & complete approach to healing & growth. The empowerment part refers to my ethos that I am not ‘healing you’, but empowering YOU to heal yourself. You have the power, you just need to unlock it & that’s exactly where I come in.

How do I know if this programme is for me?

 This is for the woman who’s done playing small, comparing herself to everyone else & is ready to get out of her own way to live her bravest, most authentic life. If you’ve been sitting on a bizz idea, constantly triggered in relationship, dating repeating old patterns or feel stuck in a life that isn’t lighting you up - let’s go! Book that clarity call by clicking yellow buttons above. 

Do I have to share in the group?

Absolutely not. This is not school, there are NO obligations, do what feels like a self honouring push, but never anything that feels unaligned for you. I pride myself on creating the most judgement free, sacred spaces full of like-minded women & so often find that those reluctant to share initially end up getting involved & saying it was actually their favourite bit! So no pressure, but stay open-minded.

How can I sign up?

I operate an application process so that we can BOTH make sure that Unshakeably Me is going to be an empowering choice for you, at this stage of your journey . To apply, book a free clarity call & fill out the questions on the booking form. If it is a full body FUCK YAAASSS, the next step is you make payment / part payment to secure your space & are sent over your welcome pack.